Who Is Mascot Zone?
Mascot Zone was created three years ago with the idea to make better and more affordable quality mascots. With this vision in mind and with the support of a dedicated team, we continue to expand – because we believe – Nothing is Impossible.
Over the last three years we’ve experienced tremendous growth – due to our partnerships with major brands, schools, and charitable foundations – and we’re still working hard to continuously increase our size and capabilities through new partnerships and programs.
Our super-talented team is what makes us unique. Our products are only as good as the peoaple who make them, so we’ve built a business based on the best people for every job. With decades of experience in production, sewing, printing, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and design – the talent of our team shows through every aspect.
Mascot Zone stands behind every product we make – and we’re not happy until you are. When you enter into a partnership with Mascot Zone, you become exactly that our partner.
Your success is our success and we’re here to support you along every step of the way. We offer a boutique level of service that is unmatched in the industry.